This legal note regulates the use of the website, the ownership of Ma Moreira Negocios Digitais-Ltda (hereinafter: the company) is based in Brazil. With the email address

The use of the page requires the explicit consent of the user to each of the clauses mentioned in this legal note as well as all warnings or the use of areas of the site.

In the event of the non -acceptance of the clauses specified in this legal note, the user must avoid access and/or use the services provided on the page and give them up and give them up.

Use of the page:

The user undertakes not to use the page for activities that violate the laws, the good customs or public order, and generally use them in accordance with the conditions specified in this legal notice. Likewise, he is obliged not to carry out any advertising or commercial exploitation activities by sending messages in which the wrong identity is used.

As a provider of an information service, the company is responsible for the page exclusively for the page and is not responsible for the content that users send or publish in violation of these general terms and conditions. The user is solely responsible for the correctness.

The company can interrupt the side service used by the user and end the relationship with the user immediately if it determines a use of the page or one of the services offered therein that could be regarded as in contradiction to the information in this legal notice.

Intellectual and industrial property:

The entirety of this page: Texts, images, brands, graphics, logos, buttons, color combinations as well as the structure, selection, selection, arrangement and presentation of your content are protected by the laws of protecting intellectual and commercial property, their reproduction is prohibited. Distribution, public communication and conversion, except for personal and private use.

The company assumes no guarantee that the content is correct or error -free or that the free use of it does not violate the rights of third parties by the user. The good or poor use of this page and its content is the responsibility of the user.

Likewise, the complete or partial duplication, further transmission, duplication, transmission or further distribution of the information contained on the page is prohibited, regardless of your purpose and the means used for this, without prior approval of the company.


The page can contain links to third parties. Third parties have neither been checked nor are they subject to control by the company. Under no circumstances can the company be held responsible for the content of these websites or the measures taken by data protection or processing of personal data.

The company recommends reading the terms of use and data protection guidelines of these websites carefully.

If you are interested in activating a link to one of the sites of the company, you must inform this and obtain the express consent to create the left. The company reserves the right to contradict the activation of links to its website.


The company points out adult users who have to do with minors, that it is solely responsible for determining which services and/or content are not suitable for the age of minors.

The company points out that there are computer programs that enable filtering and blocking access to certain content and services, so that, for example, parents or legal guardians can decide which website and services can access minors and which are not.


The company is neither directly nor indirectly responsible for:

-The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning or the availability or continuity of functioning the page.

-damage that can arise from the use of the page on the equipment of the user.

-Falls in which a third partly accessed messages under violation of established security measures or uses them to report computer viruses.

- Errors and defects of all kinds of content that are transmitted, distributed, stored or made available.

-The legality, reliability and usefulness of the content that users transmit with the use of the page or the services offered therein, as well as their truthfulness or accuracy. The company has no control over the use of the page by the users and does not guarantee that they will do so in accordance with the provisions of this legal point.

As an example and not as a restriction, you are responsible for:

-Ut the content you inserted, in particular the data and information sent via the page or on the page and sent to the company.

-The implementation of illegal, illegal, harmful and/or harmful acts of any kind.

- that you keep your user name and password and do not have to pass it on to third parties in order to avoid identity theft or the specification of untrue or incorrect data.


This legal reference is written in Spanish and is subject to current Brazilian legislation. For any type of dispute that results from the use of the services offered or the content of the page, the parties submit to the responsible dishes of Sao Paulo - Brazil with the assumption of the clauses specified in this legal reference.